Brendan Guilfoyle

Before coming to Tralee in 1996, I got my PhD at the University of Texas at Austin under the supervision of Prof. Karen Uhlenbeck. Prior to that, I obtained my undergraduate and masters degree in mathematics from Trinity College Dublin. My full CV can be found here.

Over the years I have become concerned about a serious decline in academic standards in Ireland. Together with colleagues at Tralee, we have been collecting, analysing and publicising data on this issue - further information on this can be found at here.

I am an active trade union member and was chair of the ITT Teachers' Union of Ireland branch during very turbulent times in the late 90's. Some day I'll write up a piece on those times, although it could well prove to be controversial.

When I have the time I participate in promotional activities for mathematics, including Maths Week.

A visual art project that I was involved in can be found here.